Polish Potato Pancakes Recipe

Polish Potato Pancakes “Placki Ziemniaczane” as many of typical polish meals include potatoes as a main ingredient. Potato is the most popular vegetable in Poland, though I am fully aware that most of people see it more like a starchy crop than a veggie.

Don’t forget potatoes have lots of vitamins and minerals and I have to admit- are my favorite foods either as a side or as a main dish.

In this video I will show you traditional ‘hand made’ method of making Potato Pancakes:



-4 medium potatoes
-1 egg
-1 medium onion
-2 tbsp of starch or all purpose flour
-salt and pepper
-oil (for frying)

placki ziemniaczane 1 (6)







1. Peel potatoes and grate on a thick side (some people set aside to get rid of water but I don’t do it).
2. Chop onion and add to potatoes.
3. Mix in egg, salt, and black pepper. Add enough flour to make mixture thick, about 2 to 4 tablespoons all together.
4. Mix all well.
5. Heat 1/2 inch oil in the bottom of a heavy skillet over medium high heat. Apply with a large spoon or pour with a saucer the mixture into oil, and flatten to make 1/2 inch thick pancakes. Fry, turning once, until golden brown. Transfer to paper towel lined plates to drain. Repeat until all potato mixture is used.

placki ziemniaczane 1 (13) placki ziemniaczane 1 (15) placki ziemniaczane 1 (17) placki ziemniaczane 1 (18) placki ziemniaczane 1 (19)

placki ziemniaczane 1 (42) kopia






























Potato pancakes can be served with Beef Stew (my favorite), Mushroom Sauce, sour cream, ketchup (like french fries) or sugar (yes, some people eat it sweet!).


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8 thoughts on “Polish Potato Pancakes Recipe

  1. These look and sound really yummy! I am searching for Polish recipes as our family is trying to eat foods to go along with the different nations that win Gold Medals at the Olympics. Since Poland won in ski jumping today we plan to eat Polish food tomorrow. Today we ate Canadian food. It is rather fun.

    I saw that your name is Ula. That is very cool to me as one of the major role models in my life was named Ula. She died last year at the age of 98 but she was a wonderful woman! She didn’t know the heritage of her name but I am wondering if it was Polish?

  2. We are inviting a polish Priest to dine with us in 1 week. We would like to make him something easy to make from his country. Can you send me a recipe for chicken or meat , I would serve it with potato. How about some salad or vegetables too? Do you know also about a very easy dessert? I would appreciate you sending m some recipes. Thank you, Gina

  3. The potato pancakes are delicious. I made them all the time.

    But now I am looking for a recipe for beet soup, could you send me one.

    Thank you !

    1. We are a Ukrainian family and this is a vegetable Borscht that I make for Christmas and Easter. There are no exact quantities so you can judge the amount to the size of your pot. Cook on low in a frypan to soften only, diced onion, celery and carrots and grated cabbage, more or less equal parts, then add this to a soup pot or slow cooker when softened. Add beef broth; one or two tetra pack boxes (1 or 2 litres approximately). Add a large can of drained,and rinsed kidney beans. Dice or slice beets into smaller pieces (some use canned beets) then add to the pot with the softened vegetables. Add a bay leaf or two if that’s your style. Let this cook on low until all vegetables are cooked thoroughly. Some people also use mushrooms. Add tomato paste to the mix to thicken and give a red colour. Add either one or two tablespoons of vinegar or lemon. Make a day ahead. \serve with a dollop of sour cream.

  4. Hello Ula, my mother made ‘Platzki’ for us many many times but we always ate theme with a bowl of buttermilk with salt and pepper like a cold soup. I loved it and so much so I don’t think I would ever step away from that combination. Give it a try if you like buttermilk or even if you don’t. It’s really a magical combination. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe and methods.

    1. Hi Maryann, I love eating potato pankakes ‘placki ziemniaczane’ this way with buttermilk or cold sour cream on top or a dip.

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