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6 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. i am looking for a spring salad recipe calles salatka wiosenna. But the one I bought didnt have sourcream , mayo, peas, carrot. It was the best I ever had. I know it had apples n cabbage n the liquid was like a sweet sour. Oh it did have dill too. It might of had onions or leeks but didnt really know for sure. bought this from a polish deli but cant go back for sometime. I have looked all over internet but thy all say mayo or sour cream. It was a clear sweet n sour juice. Any help would be great.

  2. I need to make the Dill Pickle soup tomorrow! The closest polish market is about 45 minutes from me and I don’t have time to go. Can I use any dill pickle? My mother in law(Polish) said that is the most important part and to get them from a polish market. Please help! -Katrina

    1. they cant be any dill pickes, polish pickes are cucumbers in brine with no vinegar used to marinade them, if you can find these in yourlocalstore, that can do

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